Monday, December 21, 2015

Battery donation?

Hello everyone,

If you would like to make a donation for our hydroponics upkeep, we need more batteries for the device used to measure nutrient levels in the hydroponics solution.

The "watch batteries" are labeled as 357/303.  If you would like to purchase any, we need two.
Any extras will be stored for next time.
Thank you for considering it!

Charlene Tuttle

Friday, December 18, 2015

Field Trip Forms Please

Dear Families,


Please sign and return the permission slip before vacation for the First Works performance, which occurs  in February. Although it seems far away, we are trying to gather all permission slips and monies now so that we will not have to collect bits and pieces along the way.

This facilitates our communication with the business office and payment to the company to ensure our attendance.

(These were handed out on Wednesday and should be returned to the homeroom teacher.)

Thank you very much!!

Charlene Tuttle

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

6-3 Homework

Make sure you have registered for JASON. (See yesterday's post.)

For THURSDAY night's homework,

1. Play Ecodefenders on line.

2. Answer these questions here! If it doesn't work on line, write your answer on paper, and bring tomorrow.

a. What adaptations were helpful for your organisms to survive in your chosen biome? Why?

b. How do changes in an ecosystem effect populations of native species? Explain what happened.

--Have fun at your concert tonight.

6-2 Homework

1. Play Ecodefenders on line.

2. Answer these questions here! If it doesn't work on line, write your answer on paper, and bring tomorrow.

a. What adaptations were helpful for your organisms to survive in your chosen biome? Why?

b. How do changes in an ecosystem effect populations of native species? Explain what happened.

****Note: I was just reminder of your concert tonight--Awesome!! Have fun! If you need to delay this till Thursday, that is fine.

6-1 Homework

1. Play Ecodefenders on line.

2. Answer these questions here! If it doesn't work on line, write your answer on paper, and bring tomorrow.

a. What adaptations were helpful for your organisms to survive in your chosen biome? Why?

b. How do changes in an ecosystem effect populations of native species? Explain what happened.

****Note: I was just reminder of your concert tonight--Awesome!! Have fun! If you need to delay this till Thursday, that is fine.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Your MIssion

Greetings explorers!

JASON Project:

Your mission tonight is to ensure you have an account and YOU HAVE WRITTEN DOWN YOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD!!!
Write this in your planner at the beginning.

I suggest using “Jason” for your password,since it only allows access to the site; it does not contain any personal information.

If you remember your info, from last year, click on the link for “existing account.”

If you don’t remember, or never had an account, click on the link below for “new account.”
You may have to try a few different user names before you have one that is new. Start with your school network logon. (usually first name and last initial or something similar)

Your Student license key is: WV83Z3W2
The license key expires: 08/16/2016
Students may use the link below to register a new account:
Students may use the link below to activate an existing account:

Once you are into the system, click around and see what it has to offer. Tomorrow, we will play a game in class.
Be sure you have your headphones.

Ms. Tuttle

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Flowers: Form and function


Mrs. Shoemaker found another "study jam," which explains the parts of a flower, and animates the fertilization process. 
Be sure to know these parts and how pollination works for next Tuesday's assessment.

Check it out here:

Remember, the goal is learning about plant structures and functions that help in survival and increase the probability of successful reproduction.

As you work and learn, be sure to consider what environmental (natural and human) and genetic factors may REDUCE the probability of reproduction. 
If they are due to human intervention, what are some ways to help alleviate the problem?

Have fun!!

Ms. Tuttle

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Plant studies


Read this page for info on what you need to know and how you can learn it.

The focus is on how plant structures aid in plant survival, and, ultimately, reproduction.

Features and functions to know about:
-Photosynthesis and Respiration

Check out these amazing resources!! 

1. Plant Needs book--read and take notes in school. Pages 3/4, 13-20

2. Great Plant Escape: read and take notes on the parts and functions listed above

 **This site is great. It is a good place to go for deeper information and analysis of Photosynthesis and Respiration. See "a" below.

a. Start with "Leaf Photosynthesis" to explore photosynthesis and respiration. There are levels of experience to go through that allow for changing of variables, taking digital "snapshots" and writing in your lab notebook. To do this, be sure to make an account. RECORD your password!!

b. "Virtual Greenhouse": This activity will require a download in order to launch. I can do it at home, but not at school. Try it; it's definitely worth it. You can explore varying conditions for plant growth, explore adaptations, and can later connect this to your own plant growth.
Virtual Greenhouse is the first of 6 activities that explore components of ecosystems. Have fun and explore them all!

4. One student requested this animated video to view as well.

Have fun with this. Practice finding examples in your world and discuss how the plants function in our deciduous forest biome.
What new questions do you have?

Keep up the great thinking!

Ms. Tuttle

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Holiday Gifts

Greetings all!

Any gifts for Gingerbread Express are due tomorrow. Please bring in for advisory.

Also, since the holiday shopping season may be infiltrating some homes, I have a request for "Santa" and any Hanukkah gifts that may be in the works.

Now is a GREAT time to restock school supplies!! Pencils, erasers, sticky notes, pencils (I know I mentioned that, but they tend to disappear!), a Sharpie or two, pens, paper, glue.....
These could easily satisfy the 8 days, or fill a stocking.

Thanks so much! I'm sure the children will appreciate it.

Have a great afternoon!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Sheffield Cove field trip

These are some of the pictures from our FABULOUS field trip. This year, we used a STEAM approach. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)

Students spent the morning at Sheffield Cove. Many thanks to adult volunteers, Steve Patterson from OGRE, Phil Larson, and the innovative ideas of Ms. Richer, Mrs. Maione, and Mrs. Shoemaker.

For math, students did a analysis of tides. For the arts, students were led through a creative writing process.
In science, students helped collect data on the efforts to restore the RI Wild Oyster, an endangered species. This project is run by Roger Williams University.

What a successful day!!
Great job superstar students!!!

Parent Conferences

Greetings everyone!!

Please be on the lookout for conference reminder forms.  Ms. Tuttle's homeroom were sent today. Mrs. Maione's  and Ms. Richer's are also on the way.

Once you receive this, please read through to verify. Any changes and confirmations need to go directly to the homeroom teacher.

Thanks! We look forward to meeting with you soon!

Ms. Tuttle

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Alton Jones Pictures

Yesterday was a GREAT day! We hope everyone had stories to share and all are looking forward to returning on 11/16.

Oyster Field Trip Volunteers: Next Wednesday, 11/4

Thanks to everyone for your willingness to help out!!!

If you were available to help next week and indicated this availability on the permission slip, your child will be bringing home info today about specifics for you, as a chaperone for next Wednesday's STEAM walking field trip.

If you signed up to help and didn't get a note sent through your child, your volunteer information may be out of date. Check with the office for necessary steps.

(Tomorrow's walk to Sheffield Cove is a preview and springboard for questioning and discussions. We do not need support for that one.)

Thanks. Have a great day.
Ms. Tuttle

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Alton Jones tomorrow!

Greetings everyone,

This is just a reminder that we are going to Alton Jones outdoor education center tomorrow. It should be a fantastic day!!!

Please remember to dress for the occasion--ideally you have long pants, closed toed shoes (a must!), tall white socks, and layers you can adjust for temperature. Predicted weather is 40s/50s F.

As discussed in class, a water bottle would be helpful too.

Oh......and a hat for spirit day!!

We will leave as soon as we take attendance and the bus arrives.

See you in the morning.

Ms. Tuttle

Friday, October 16, 2015

Organisms observations

Find out more and post info here. Respond to each other!!

Organisms Investigation:
Checking out our crickets and isopods:

What are some physical and behavioral features that help or diminish successful survival and ensure reproduction?
What role do they play in different ecosystems on earth?
Where are they found?

First, we read about crickets--

You can start with those. 
Then, if you have more time, research the other organisms.

Research crickets, guppies, snails, and isopods.
Post interesting info and questions!! Talk to each other.
Here’s a start:

1.    Video of isopod on the sea floor.
Tells about giant deep sea isopod. About 2 minutes.

2.    Online reading.

Mini write up of “backyard crustacean.”

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Social Studies: Biome Site

Students of 6-2 and 6-1,

We have started our unit on "Regions."
We begin with an investigation of the idea of Biomes as regions.

Our first steps are to:

1. Figure out the key characteristics of a biome
2. Record them on your paper or "biome book."
3. Make a thematic map, identifying the biomes of the world using different colors.

Be sure to make a legend to identify which color is which biome.

Use this site as a guide:

Have fun!!
I'm looking forward to seeing your work tomorrow.

Ms. Tuttle

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cricket Delivery?

Good morning families,

If anyone is in the area of Critter Hut in North Kingstown today, we could use a pickup and delivery of 60 crickets. They open at 10 am.

Email me directly at and I will call and arrange payment.

Thanks so much for considering it. Many of ours didn't make it in the mail delivery and I have not been able to make it myself yet.

On another note: 

Please fill out all the forms for our Alton Jones field trip days on Monday, 10/26 and Monday, 11/16.

These are due this Friday.

Have a great day!

Ms. Tuttle

Monday, September 28, 2015

Ocean Adventures

Hi kids,

I am out sick today. I didn't even get to see the lunar eclipse!

Hopefully, you had a chance to see the beginning!!
We can find a time lapse to view together.

Today, finish your project. I can't wait to see how amazing they are!!

If you finish, watch the blendspace videos and work on questions for "Allez Voir" and "Women In Oceanography." Your teacher will give you these.

Do you best and have a great day!
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Here's the blendspace:

Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lunar Eclipse!!

Check out the lunar eclipse this Sunday!!!

Click here for a video about it from NASA.

Ms. Tuttle

Rubric for Projects

Ocean Projects are looking good!!!

We will have Friday and Monday to work on projects in school.

In addition, continue to work at home. This includes last minute research, revising and editing your work, and gluing down any final touches.

Final projects are due on Tuesday, September 29.

You can bring these to my room in the morning. I will have you place them with your class pile.

If you finish early, there are other options to keep you engaged and learning in class.

Below is the rubric again, in case you cannot find yours.

Keep up the good work!!
Ms. Tuttle

Ocean Project Rubric Due Date__Tues, Sept 29___

Your mission is to become an expert on your chosen topic.
You will:
  1. Research and take notes in school and at home
  2. Use the internet and books to find information
  3. Use any other resources (people, museums, etc.) that help
  4. Keep your notes together and add to your thinking
  5. Check in with me along the way
  6. Present your findings to the class. As you get closer to completion, begin to consider HOW you will present your information.

Meets the standard:
-Use and reference VALID sources. A reference page should be submitted with your project.
-Have an organized finished project that reflects important information on your topic. (We will develop individual criteria/ideas for different topics.)
-Final project shows evidence of deep understanding of topic.
-You can answer some questions on your topic.

Exceeds the standard: May include one or more of the following:
**Again, this will depend on your topic. See me for more info as you move forward:
-You integrate other fields and their impact on your research.
-Your topic integrates multiple viewpoints.
-You show understanding of the history of the subject.
-You link your work with the findings of other scientists.
-You take a stance on your topic and find propose ways for advancement.

-Deep connections are evident in the functioning of vehicle, earth component, or biological feature.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ocean Project

Great first week everyone!!!

Please be sure to continue your research on your ocean topic.

Remember to WRITE DOWN all your sources.

Also, go to the library for books.

I look forward to seeing what you have tomorrow.

More info to follow.

Ms. Tuttle

Monday, August 31, 2015

Second Leg of the Expedition Begins


We are now going to the first dive spot on the second part of the Expedition. It is a 12 hour transit from our current site to the next. (More or less, depending.)

Our first dive will be at Folger Pass, west of Vancouver Island, British Columbia in Canada.

This first site is only 100 meter, but it should be clear water!

Our other dives were in estuarine water and were very murky due to the sediment carried by the river.This made for some more challenges!!!

What do you think the challenges might be in open ocean that we didn't face closer to shore?
You can check out the site of the company that operates the underwater observatory at

Tune in tomorrow morning. Our first dive is scheduled for 7 am East Coast time. (4 am Pacific time.) This could be in a bit flexible, based on several variables. Check in and see.We will try to post a status later this evening.

Life here is pretty good! It is strange to wake up at 3 am to work, however. The idea of time takes on a new meaning. Because there's 24 hour watch, people come and go at various times. Someone is always on watch, someone is usually sleeping, and then there's everything else.

There are showers and washing machines to use. There are 3 hot meals a day at regularly scheduled times.

You can send me messages here or on the Nautilus website. Be sure to tell me who you are. :)

This is a picture of me helping prepare the vehicles before launching. Each time we launch, we first have to connect the vehicles together in a specific way so that recovery is easy.

This is a styrofoam cup that will be sent to the bottom of the ocean. What do you think will happen?
I'll bring one back to show you!

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!!! It will be a fabulous year!!
Have a great week.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Vehicles are in the Water!

Diving now! British Columbia. 
We are changing some instruments on the ocean floor. These are connected to Ocean Networks Canada underwater observatory. My watch is 4-8 Pacific time, which is 7-11 (am and pm) East Coast time. If we're diving, I'll be on. Tune in and send questions or say hello! Better yet, do both!!!
No need to wait though....whenever we're diving, someone will be there to keep you up to date. Listen in to Tim Dwyerand Stephanie Danforth Stoeffler too.

Think about what instruments you might use to measure activity in Narragansett Bay.

Hope to hear from you this afternoon!!

Ms. Tuttle

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Still moving north.

Greetings everyone,

Still in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Now off of the Washington Coast. We should arrive in Canada by tomorrow afternoon.
At first, the seas were quite rough and most people felt a bit queasy.
Now, the waves have settled a bit and we've all gotten our "sea legs."

We are busy reviewing technology on board and planning the upcoming dives.

Another part of my role here is to communicate with organizations on shore--schools, museums, aquariums, universities, etc.

We were also able to learn about Hercules, the ROV from the experts! 

Stay tuned for more updates. Please submit your questions and comments here. I look forward to hearing from you!

Friday, August 21, 2015


Greetings everyone!

We are currently off of the coast of California, heading north. We are in high seas so the captain has been forced to slow our forward movement a bit. We are making our way to Victoria, British Columbia, which is in Canada.

We should be there by Monday morning and will be working on instrument repair for an underwater observatory!

Below are some pictures of the journey so far.
This is the ROV, Hercules on board the ship in the harbor of San Francisco.Hercules is currently off the back deck, to allow for maintenance. However, all maintenance will wait till tomorrow due to rough seas.

San Francisco-Bay Bridge pre-dawn hours.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Ocean Expedition! 

I begin tomorrow--as I join the Exploration Vessel, the Nautilus and the Corps of Exploration as a Science Communication Fellow. 

Tune in, ask questions! I would love to hear from you! You can click on the link and watch live footage. Under the main video screen is a space to type questions. You can see if I'm on watch by scrolling down the page.There are pictures of the people that are working in the control room at the time. Please let me know who you are and what your question is! There is no need to wait, however. 
In fact, you can start now! 
Tomorrow they will be exploring shipwreck off the coast of California. I will be onboard on Thursday. 

Some good news about the return trip--some of the dates have changed. Luckily, I will be able to join you for the first day of school!! So, tune in at some point over the next couple of weeks and try to connect with me. You an also view the videos and images on the page. These are highlights and information previously recorded on the expedition.

Here's the link:

Stay tuned for more updates. And please spread the word to schoolmates!

See you soon!
Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blue Moon!

Hi everyone!

I hope your summer has been spectacular thus far!
Here's a message from NASA on the upcoming "Blue Moon." It has an article or can be viewed on narrated video format.

I am gearing up for my journey at sea. I am excited and reading about oceanography. I will keep you posted as I get closer to the adventure so you can join me. However, you can also follow along now at

Have a great day. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Ms. Tuttle

Monday, June 22, 2015

T-Shirt Decoration for Field Day

Sxth graders,

If you would like to decorate a shirt for field day, bring one in tomorrow. We will decorate these in homeroom teams.

Bring a white shirt or your team colors, along with sharpies and/or fabric markers to decorate it with. Feel free to add design ideas with ribbon etc.

Ms. Richer: green
Mrs. Maione: red
Ms. Tuttle: blue

If you have extras you'd like to donate to someone who may forget, please feel free to bring in!!

Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Hi all,

We are working on Ocean Studies and related projects in school. Some students have expressed an interest in continuing this work at home. Here are some of the sites that we found useful.

1. ocean conservancy
3. noaa
5. National Geographic

Have fun explorers!!
Ms. Tuttle

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Field Trip Reminder!

Reminder: Casey Farms Field Trip Friday, June 12

It's time to see where the eggs originated!

Clothing: Dress for farm conditions: boots, or covered shoes. You will encounter animals, dust, mud, and manure.

Weather: The forecast for Friday is warm and sunny. Hats and sunscreen are advised. A water bottle is also encouraged for the tour.

Lunch: Please pack a nut-free lunch. We will be sitting at tables as a group and want to ensure the safety of all. Be sure you have labeled the lunch bag with your name and have something to drink as well.

We will be leaving school shortly after 9:30.  The tour will be approximately 2 hours, and students will be divided into 5 groups. After the tour ends, we will wash our hands and have lunch, then return to the school. We will arrive back at school approximately 1PM to regroup. We will have time for a field trip reflection and for showcasing some of our Photo Voice projects.

It will be a magnificent day!! 
Ms. Tuttle

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chicks are growing!!

All 20 chicks are growing! They are sleeping, eating, and stretching their wings and legs. You will be surprised when you see the feathers!

And, yes, the youngest one is doing ok--a bit smaller and shaky on its feet, but moving and growing!

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Field trip, Pizza Party, and Island Treasures!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Please be on the lookout for

1. Island Treasures permission slip (due by Tuesday, May 26) and brochure.

2. Notice about after school pizza party next Thursday, May 28 (aprox 20-30 minutes)

2. Casey Farms field trip permission slip (due by Tuesday, May 26--pasted below)

All of these were handed out today.
Thanks for getting these returned quickly!

-Ms. Tuttle

Just in case the field trip form got sucked into the black hole of the backpack......:), there is a copy cut and pasted below.

Casey Farms Field Trip

Dear families,                                                                                                                                                    May 21, 2015
It’s almost time for our field trip to Casey Farms!!
This is another exciting event in grade 6! We are studying development, form and function of different parts of the chicken, and variation in birds. In addition, we have integrated engineering this year with our transformed chickens and an upcoming egg drop.
 The chicken hatch date is May 27, and the sixth grade wing will be full of excitement. At the farm, we will return the chickens to their home and see how a working farm operates.  Students will participate in a variety of activities and conversations around farming.
The field trip is scheduled for Friday, June 12. We will leave mid-morning, tour the farm, and then eat lunch there. We plan to be back at the school by 1 PM.
Please sign below, granting permission for your child to attend.
What to bring:
As we will be eating lunch there, please have your child bring in a bagged lunch. In addition, they will need a full water bottle (labeled) to use.
Also, please have them dress for the farm:  walking shoes, and a hat and sunscreen.
Thanks for your support. It should be a great day!
-Grade 6 team
Child’s name__________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian name________________________________________________________
Yes, my child can attend. Please sign below.
Parent/guardian signature_____________________________________________ Date___________

Parent Chaperones: If you would like to chaperone and have a current background check with the school, please record your name and email below.  (adult chaperones are $6)We will let you know by June 5th. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Chicken Project

Hi kids!!

Just in case you forgot the it is again.
Great job today!

Keep it up!
Ms. Tuttle

Chickens: Applying Engineering Strategies, Rubric created with all grade 6 classes
Due date: Thursday, May 21 (Time will continue to be given in class but some may be at home.)
3: Meets the Standard
Shows understanding of body parts: explanation of original parts and purpose.
Modified parts (at least 5) are explained—what are they and how do they help.
Changes for egg design and/or development are included.
Clearly shows how changes help survival in a specific habitat (or help production).
Revisions are realistic.
Model is labeled (drawing or 3-D)
-Write up/analysis of your design process. Reflect on your engineering process. What was changed and why?
All work is neat, easy to read, and on time.
Rubric is handed in with your work.

4: Exceeds the Standard
Compare original to revised with DETAILED explanation of changes and their impacts and proposed purpose.
 OR    Research and create a detailed comparison of different chickens or other bird species.
OR     Research on chicken farming practices and detailed write up. 

OR   Research and detailed work types of chickens or chicken history (use by man or evolutionary).

Exploration on the high seas

Students from grade 6 spoke with scientists about the E/V Nautilus in the Gulf of Mexico!!! You can keep following at!

From our conversations, we began an exploration of bubbles to see if we could answer some of our questions about methane bubbles under water.

We are analyzing factors effecting bubble formation and dissipation and applying our ideas!

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...