Thursday, April 28, 2016

Modeling Clay or Playdough?

Now accepting donations of modeling clay and/or playdough.

I figured before I stopped at the store, I'd see if anyone has a surplus.

We will be using this in an exploration next week.

Ms. Tuttle

Friday, April 8, 2016

Quizzes sent home today

Please check your child's quiz and have them return it to school. It will be stored in their science binder for later.

We have already gone over some key concepts, mainly climate vs. weather, and effects of the angle of the sun on earth.

(Sorry-it was a multiple post day.So many great things happening!)


Peeps in Space Designs

A few action shots of student engineers designing suits for their Peeps.

They researched ideas, created blueprints, built, tested in the vacuum chamber, evaluated design ideas, revised design, rebuilt, retested, and on it goes.....

Great work!

Ask Astronaut Tim Questions

You still have time to submit questions to Astronaut Tim. They are due by April 10. (Sunday)

Check out the information on Slide 11 (Assignment 6) on the Peeps Blendspace. Then, click on the link to submit questions. You will have to provide your own transportation to the site.

Or, click here for a direct link to the form.

Have fun and good luck!!!
Ms. Tuttle

Friday, April 1, 2016

Student Work Updates

Greetings families--

Please be sure to check out your child's work that came home this week. All science classes wrote essays on Earth Materials. We did an experiment on different types of earth materials (air, land, water).

They designed the experiment, collected data, then graphed it .From this, they analyzed the results, using specific data points to support their claim. In addition, there were multiple opportunities for content validation through discussion, and drawing in class.

These were all scored and returned this week. Students have the opportunity to revise, if necessary.

Social Studies: In 6-2 and 6-1, Organic Food packets were completed and returned. Please check these out as well, for  many need to finish.

The end of the quarter is Tuesday. Please ensure they bring their work in for grade enhancement by then.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Have a great weekend.

Charlene Tuttle

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...