Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Missing Work-Makeup Info


Absent students--makeup work.

This is for families of students that missed some days around Thanksgiving. I hope everyone
had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Below are a list of concepts/activities that we did in class, ranging from Thurs, 11/15 to Wed, 11/21.

Please review missed experiences and have your child complete and turn in any work by next
Friday, 11/30 in order to be able to build on ideas and move forward.
They can bring me work and ask any clarifying questions.
Thank you!!

Th, 11/15
"Seasons" reading in book and detailed note taking.
Take notes and hand in.

“Seasons” multimedia review on FOSSWEB
In person simulation of seasons and analysis of solar angle, impact of latitude as a variable of climate.

Complete yesterday’s reading and notes.
Begin to apply ideas of latitude and impact of climate by making initial slides to insert maps of location.
(Template on Classroom)
Complete the slides.

Monday, 11/19:
Analysis of “Seasons” online multi media
Write a paragraph about this, comparing at least 2 cities and one variable.

Distinction between Climate and Weather (Absent students will get handout. In class, we discussed
and revised notebook entries)
Update (and catch up on chunks of missing data) weather data
Do this at home.

Continued discussion of differential heating
Radiation foldable-using radiation online multimedia and identifying key characteristics and how
it plays out on earth. (Take notes on this, with models)

Completion of slides and foldable of Radiation.
Cross over of Social Studies and Science--applying ideas and technology of early Thanksgiving.

Social Studies (Tuttle):
Mon/Tues:Sharing of student projects on place.
Have ready for next week with rubric.

Wed: Thanksgiving myths

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Meeting with Families

What a joy it is to be able to sit down together and talk about joys and concerns around education and the students in our classes!

I truly enjoyed meeting with all that could attend the Parent Teacher Conferences.

Thank you for the continued communication as we work together to help your children become their best selves.

It is an honor to be on this team together as we work to help them develop confidence, wonder, creativity, compassion, and knowledge as they continue to interact with their world and see their ability to have an impact.

Have a wonderful day.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions, joys, or concerns!

Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day!

Part of today was spent outside, studying out environment.

We made observations related to weather and climate, did some creative writing, dug into field guides, and experienced the joy of leaf rubbings!!

Students developed a deeper understanding of some of their local trees, and recorded their observations in a variety of formats.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Weather Data

Weather data collection is in full swing!!

Please help facilitate this daily activity to ask your child what the weather in their "chosen" location is!!

They should be collecting this data on a daily basis.
In a couple of months, we will begin to take a broader look at the data and look for patterns and do comparisons to different location.

The conversations are quite rich when we look at long term data!

The data table was shared on Google Classroom. Each child is using either an electronic copy or hard copy.

As always, thanks for your support!

Ms. Tuttle

Classroom Visit, Statehouse Follow Up

Last Tuesday,  RI State Representative came to visit grade 6. She shared her experiences and some of her goals.

Students had already studied the bond proposals for the November 6 ballot and had some questions prepared for her.

Please try to include your child in your voting experience; I remember the experience as a child and it  was a motivating factor in my willingness to vote!

Our visit to the statehouse was a huge success! Students toured in small groups and then got to experience life as a state representative, if only for a moment. Getting our children involved in their world at an early age is meaningful and long-lasting!

Thank you for supporting this off-campus adventures!

Classroom Updates


Hydroponics is growing!
The seeds that we planted have germinated and are growing!!
Among the crops we have are beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, and basil!

Entering the class each day is a new opportunity to observe the growth and investigate the variables impacting different rates of growth!


A super shout out to the PTO for funding the field trip to Alton Jones. Students had collaborative problem solving activities to grapple with throughout the day. This was a productive day filled with team building activities and follow up reflections, both on site and in class.


Students had a design challenge to build the tallest free-standing structure with specific materials. Time was spent reflecting and redesigning based on the results. This redesign was then put to the test with a second build. This was a great opportunity to see students engineering skills in action and an opportunity to work on fine tuning analysis of data and application of new ideas.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Spirit Week and Parent-Teacher Conferences

Good evening all-

Parent Conference reminder notes for 6-3 were sent home today. Please ask your child for these, if you haven't yet seen it.
In case of a conflict, please email me for another time at:


Spirit Week:

PJ day was a cozy day!!

Tuesday is Spirit Day--wear your favorite sports gear, science, dance or club gear!

Wednesday: Red day for grade 6

Thursday: Matching day!

Friday......postponed till NEXT Monday for grade 6: Crazy Day! Assorted fun clothing and colors.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mark your calendars--Friday, October 26

Greetings all,

I hope you are enjoying the fall, and routine of the school year!

Just a heads up for a field trip:

Please mark your calendars for Friday, October 26.

We will be heading to the RI Statehouse for a tour and a mini session in the House Chamber. The students will enjoy being on the floor and seeing where some of the action at the state level occurs.

(Prior to that, we will have state Rep Ruggiero come to talk about RI Government.)

After the statehouse, we will be attending a First-Works performance, Pilobolus, at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium. The performance links art and science and provides an opportunity for students to see a professional performance using STEAM.

Weather permitting, we will then have our lunch on the statehouse lawn and discuss the performance.

Time of field trip: approx: 8:30-2.

The permission slip should go home later this week.

Just wanted to give you the heads up!

Have a wonderful day!
Ms. Tuttle

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Greetings families!!

We have been busy planting seeds, real and metaphoric!
Students are  thinking about growth and change and planning future endeavors. Today, we planted seeds in the hydroponic system. Ask the children what they planted.

We hope you can all make it on Tuesday night for Open House to see the classrooms and meet the teachers.

Upcoming item:
Be on the lookout tomorrow for the permission slip for Alton Jones, an outdoor education center, at URI.  The field trip is Monday, September 24.

Please forgive the late arrival of the forms. However, we have requested funding support from the PTO and wanted to hear back before we requested funds from families.
We are anticipating a cost of $20 for families, but it will be finalized and on the permission slip.

Thank you!!
Have a great evening,

Ms. Tuttle

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


What's outside YOUR door?
Day 1 surprises! Cicada!

It's been a wonderful start to the year. Looking forward to many more days together.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

ROV tests at Sheffield Cove

Our last ROV use for this year.

Tomorrow (6/15), 6-2 and 6-3 will be going to Sheffield Cove.

Wed of next week (6/20), 6-1 will go.

To bring:
water bottle
small towel for ROV
sun protection (sunscreen, hat, glasses, etc)
Protective shoes that can get wet---open shoes are not suggested, as there are many sharp oyster shells.
An inquisitive mind and collaborative spirit!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Casey Farms

Reminder and Volunteer Opportunity

Wednesday is Casey Farms field trip.

Please dress for the weather!!! Currently, one forecast says "partly to mostly cloudy." This has been shifting from chance of rain to partly sunny. Be ready for anything. :)

If it's rainy, expect to go! If it gets cancels, it won't happen till the last minute so please be ready.

Also, the walk to the bay is a cut grass path so may have ticks. Long white socks, etc. for tick prevention.

Last item: bring a lunch and a drink in a weather proof bag.

We could use a few adult volunteers to accompany us for the day. You would join a group and rotate with that group for the day. We will put you in the same group as your child.
If you are interested, please email me at tuttle.charlene@jamestownschools.org

Thank you!!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Date correction

Date correction:
YMCA days are Thursday and Friday, not Wednesday and Thursday. (Permission slip is correct; error was in blog post.)

Sorry for any confusion,
Have a great weekend!
Charlene Tuttle

Friday, May 25, 2018

Permission Slips Due


Please send in permission slips for Sea Perch ASAP. Cost is $3.50 for buses to the YMCA to use our ROVs for a pool challenge.
Thanks to the YMCA for allowing us to use the pool, and to Patrick Burke, for setting up!

We will be going in 2 groups.
Some will go on Thursday afternoon,some will go on Wednesday.

Ms. Tuttle

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Alton jones reminder!,

Monday, May 21 is Alton Jones day!

Please make sure children have clothing to protect against ticks (long pants, tall white socks), bug spray pre-applied.
Also, layers are great to be ready for various weather conditions and closed toe shoes are a must!

A hat and labeled water bottle would be wonderful.

A small backpack would be perfect to carry all of this.
We are looking forward to it!

Follow me on twitter  @ctuttle726 for real time tweets of the action.

(I'm new to twitter but have figured out the basics!)

Have a wonderful day!
Charlene Tuttle

Monday, April 23, 2018

Salmon release at Browning Mill Pond!

Over vacation, we assessed the habitat and released the fry!!

Ask Slate and Rory about our adventures!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Salmon Release!

We will be releasing the salmon next week!
Some students have expressed an interest in coming to participate. We cannot provide transportation from school so please arrange carpooling. If you want to come, but can't find a ride, please email me and I will help you coordinate.

The location is 
Browning Mill Pond at
260 Arcadia Road, Hope Valley

This link will allow directions:

Currently, the planned release date is Tuesday, April 17.
We can meet at school at 10:30 to get supplies and salmon!
(You can knock on the classroom window)

OR, you can meet me at Browning Mill Pond.

PLEASE EMAIL if you are coming so that I can wait for your arrival before release!
Let me know if you will meet me at school or at the pond.

Weather looks like showers, so be prepared. You may want boots, or backup shoes if your feet get wet by the stream.

Schedule: (Please check Classroom and this blog for updates. Note: sometimes there is a delay in the posts being sent to subscribers. Students should check Classroom for any changes on Monday and/or Tuesday!)

School at 10:30
Leave at 11
Arrive at 11:40
Habitat inventory, assessment of stream.
Release of salmon. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Live Science!

Research Vessel: Endeavor from URI.  Live Interaction!

Some classes had a live interaction with this research vessel! You can tune in tonight and tomorrow on Facebook for a live feed !
Have fun!! Ask alot of questions and share your new understanding next week!

Here's the info from the Inner Space Center:

On April 3rd students from the University of Rhode Island (URI) Honors program will depart on a six-day oceanographic research expedition, and you are invited to come along. Learn about their exciting research and directly ask the students and scientists questions during three live broadcasts and one hosted event.
The Inner Space Center (ISC) at URI's Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) will broadcast live from URI's research vessel, the RV Endeavor, to Facebook on April 5th, 6th, and 7th, and during a community event to be held on April 6th at URI's White Hall (details below).
The research expedition, from April 3rd through 8th, will focus on whale and zooplankton interactions with the environment that occur in the coastal and offshore waters of Rhode Island. Investigating these interactions is central to management and conservation decisions regarding marine species, such as the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. 
The expedition is part of CSI Oceans, a URI Honors course led by Dr. Karen Wishner, a Professor of Oceanography at GSO, and Chief Scientist Christopher Orphanides, a GSO graduate student.
Holly Morin, an ISC Marine Biologist, will be your guide to the students and science on the ship. Eight URI Honors students under the guidance of Dr.Wishner and Orphanides will use oceanographic instrumentation to display, analyze, and communicate collected data. Live, interactive broadcasts will engage you in the interdisciplinary nature of oceanography, with an emphasis on the physical dynamics of ocean waters and their influence on marine life and the marine food web.
These broadcasts will run about 25 minutes:
Endeavor Live! Facebook Live Events
Thursday, April 5 at 7 p.m.
Friday, April 6 at 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 7 at 6 p.m.
Be sure to "like" the Inner Space Center Facebook page  to follow this expedition and others. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hurricane Island

Applications for Hurricane Island summer program are due by Friday, April 13.

There is a scholarship for 2 students to attend a week long program for free!

Applications were handed out last week to interested students.

They can be returned to me or Mrs. Goodburn by April 13.

For more information: http://www.hurricaneisland.net/summer-programs

Good luck!


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

ROV practice tomorrow


We are planning on ROV practice tomorrow with a temporary pool.
Please be prepared for some rain, and bring a towel to wrap and dry the ROV when done.

See you soon!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Wednesday Field Trip Cancelled

Greetings all!

We have received word from both First Works and the Statehouse that they need to cancel Wednesday's events.
As far as payments go, we will apply your payment for 3/14 field trip for another field trip to be announced in late spring, unless otherwise notified.

We hope to see you all in school tomorrow for a regular school day, unless otherwise notified by the school.

Hope you are all enjoying a bit of snow fun!
Ms. Tuttle

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Illuminated Wash out

Greetings all,

Unfortunately, the Illuminated Garden is cancelled tonight, as well.

Be on the lookout for our SpaceX inspired rocket and haiku in the hallway next week, then at JAC on Friday.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Cancelled for Friday.


Unfortunately, the Illuminated Garden is cancelled for tonight (Friday), as well.

See you there on Saturday, 6-9.

Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Illuminated Garden Cancelled for Tonight

Hello all!

Illuminated Garden at Ballard Park is cancelled for tonight.

Looking forward to clear skies for Friday and Saturday....?

Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Super glue donations?

Good  morning,

We could use a few tubes of superglue to help with the assembly of our motors on our ROVs.

Thank you!
Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Important Dates

Upcoming field trips and events, reminder:

Field trip: Friday, 2/23:
Providence Children's Film Fest.
Bring a lunch or order from the school. (Forms handed out this week.) Will eat at school upon return.

Family event: Feb. 22-24:
Family event in the evening, 6-9.
Come see the Illuminated Sculpture and poetry of our students and walk among illuminated sculptures.

Field trip: Wednesday, 3/14:
First Works and Statehouse tour.

Field trip: Monday, 5/21:
Alton Jones outdoor education.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Permission Slips and Science Unit

Greetings all!

Permission Slips:
We are trying a new format for permission slips. Ms. Richer sent a google forms electronic permission slip to all grade 6 families for both the 2/23 and 3/14 field trip earlier this week.

Please respond electronically, then send $22 or request for financial aid to your child's homeroom teacher.

If you did not receive the electronic form (several have not), please check you spam. We have paper copies and have distributed some to students for families that did not get the electronic copy.
If you need a paper copy, please ask your child to get one on Monday (if they don't come home with one today.)

Thank you for you patience and flexibility and we explore new ways to gather information and permissions.

On another note:
In science, we have completed our formal study of Weather, although will continue to make connections for the remainder of our lives (we hope!).

We have begun a unit on Electromagnetic Force. This includes looking at multiple forces. Among these are magnetism and electricity, and the connection between the two.

We have explored magnets and the additive and finite nature of magnetic fields.

Currently, we are looking at measuring forces in newtons and the relationship between mass of an object and the force needed to move an object. This leads to modeling these forces and looking at net force.

We then jump into electric circuits, where we will explore simple circuits and parallel and series.
They explore input and output.

We then look at the link between the two and build various electromagnets.

From there, we go to motors and generators.

This unit is rich with materials and allows for varied challenges and opportunities to go deeply into content areas. I have been, and will continue to, provide opportunities for students to master science and engineering practices. They will be designing and refining their own experiments, creating and analyzing their own data, including looking at margins of error and exploring new questions and connections to the world.

Thank you for your support and interest at home! Please let me know if you have any expertise you'd like to share or if your child seems confused or excited about our work here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Charlene Tuttle

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Save the Dates

Greetings families!

There are a few dates you should put on your calendar now. The paperwork will be sent home with your child as we get closer to the field trips, but we wanted to alert you now.

Alton Jones outdoor education:
The date for Alton Jones spring field trip has been scheduled. Please save the date of Monday, May 21. We will be on the Alton Jones campus for the whole day.
Forms and monies have already been collected for this from the fall visit.

Wednesday, March 14: 
We will be attending a performance through First-Works in Providence. Following the performance, we will tour the statehouse.

Friday, February 23: We will be attending a showing of shorts at the Providence Film Fest during the day.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Keel on Drifters

Greetings families,

This is just a note to say that we have rescheduled the day to affix the keel to the drifters.

Hopefully, your child has told you about this amazing collaboration with the Conanicut Island Sailing Foundation! We have written letters, designed flyers, etc and put them in the drifter that will be launched off of George's Bank later this winter.
Some lucky soul may find these treasures and learn about coral reefs and other items from students at both Lawn Ave and Melrose school.

The students are invited to watch, and perhaps participate in affixing the keels to the drifters. This will take place in my room after school this Friday, January 12.
Families are also welcome!

See you then?

Charlene Tuttle

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...