Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chicks are growing!!

All 20 chicks are growing! They are sleeping, eating, and stretching their wings and legs. You will be surprised when you see the feathers!

And, yes, the youngest one is doing ok--a bit smaller and shaky on its feet, but moving and growing!

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Field trip, Pizza Party, and Island Treasures!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Please be on the lookout for

1. Island Treasures permission slip (due by Tuesday, May 26) and brochure.

2. Notice about after school pizza party next Thursday, May 28 (aprox 20-30 minutes)

2. Casey Farms field trip permission slip (due by Tuesday, May 26--pasted below)

All of these were handed out today.
Thanks for getting these returned quickly!

-Ms. Tuttle

Just in case the field trip form got sucked into the black hole of the backpack......:), there is a copy cut and pasted below.

Casey Farms Field Trip

Dear families,                                                                                                                                                    May 21, 2015
It’s almost time for our field trip to Casey Farms!!
This is another exciting event in grade 6! We are studying development, form and function of different parts of the chicken, and variation in birds. In addition, we have integrated engineering this year with our transformed chickens and an upcoming egg drop.
 The chicken hatch date is May 27, and the sixth grade wing will be full of excitement. At the farm, we will return the chickens to their home and see how a working farm operates.  Students will participate in a variety of activities and conversations around farming.
The field trip is scheduled for Friday, June 12. We will leave mid-morning, tour the farm, and then eat lunch there. We plan to be back at the school by 1 PM.
Please sign below, granting permission for your child to attend.
What to bring:
As we will be eating lunch there, please have your child bring in a bagged lunch. In addition, they will need a full water bottle (labeled) to use.
Also, please have them dress for the farm:  walking shoes, and a hat and sunscreen.
Thanks for your support. It should be a great day!
-Grade 6 team
Child’s name__________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian name________________________________________________________
Yes, my child can attend. Please sign below.
Parent/guardian signature_____________________________________________ Date___________

Parent Chaperones: If you would like to chaperone and have a current background check with the school, please record your name and email below.  (adult chaperones are $6)We will let you know by June 5th. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Chicken Project

Hi kids!!

Just in case you forgot the it is again.
Great job today!

Keep it up!
Ms. Tuttle

Chickens: Applying Engineering Strategies, Rubric created with all grade 6 classes
Due date: Thursday, May 21 (Time will continue to be given in class but some may be at home.)
3: Meets the Standard
Shows understanding of body parts: explanation of original parts and purpose.
Modified parts (at least 5) are explained—what are they and how do they help.
Changes for egg design and/or development are included.
Clearly shows how changes help survival in a specific habitat (or help production).
Revisions are realistic.
Model is labeled (drawing or 3-D)
-Write up/analysis of your design process. Reflect on your engineering process. What was changed and why?
All work is neat, easy to read, and on time.
Rubric is handed in with your work.

4: Exceeds the Standard
Compare original to revised with DETAILED explanation of changes and their impacts and proposed purpose.
 OR    Research and create a detailed comparison of different chickens or other bird species.
OR     Research on chicken farming practices and detailed write up. 

OR   Research and detailed work types of chickens or chicken history (use by man or evolutionary).

Exploration on the high seas

Students from grade 6 spoke with scientists about the E/V Nautilus in the Gulf of Mexico!!! You can keep following at!

From our conversations, we began an exploration of bubbles to see if we could answer some of our questions about methane bubbles under water.

We are analyzing factors effecting bubble formation and dissipation and applying our ideas!

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...