Monday, August 31, 2015

Second Leg of the Expedition Begins


We are now going to the first dive spot on the second part of the Expedition. It is a 12 hour transit from our current site to the next. (More or less, depending.)

Our first dive will be at Folger Pass, west of Vancouver Island, British Columbia in Canada.

This first site is only 100 meter, but it should be clear water!

Our other dives were in estuarine water and were very murky due to the sediment carried by the river.This made for some more challenges!!!

What do you think the challenges might be in open ocean that we didn't face closer to shore?
You can check out the site of the company that operates the underwater observatory at

Tune in tomorrow morning. Our first dive is scheduled for 7 am East Coast time. (4 am Pacific time.) This could be in a bit flexible, based on several variables. Check in and see.We will try to post a status later this evening.

Life here is pretty good! It is strange to wake up at 3 am to work, however. The idea of time takes on a new meaning. Because there's 24 hour watch, people come and go at various times. Someone is always on watch, someone is usually sleeping, and then there's everything else.

There are showers and washing machines to use. There are 3 hot meals a day at regularly scheduled times.

You can send me messages here or on the Nautilus website. Be sure to tell me who you are. :)

This is a picture of me helping prepare the vehicles before launching. Each time we launch, we first have to connect the vehicles together in a specific way so that recovery is easy.

This is a styrofoam cup that will be sent to the bottom of the ocean. What do you think will happen?
I'll bring one back to show you!

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!!! It will be a fabulous year!!
Have a great week.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Vehicles are in the Water!

Diving now! British Columbia. 
We are changing some instruments on the ocean floor. These are connected to Ocean Networks Canada underwater observatory. My watch is 4-8 Pacific time, which is 7-11 (am and pm) East Coast time. If we're diving, I'll be on. Tune in and send questions or say hello! Better yet, do both!!!
No need to wait though....whenever we're diving, someone will be there to keep you up to date. Listen in to Tim Dwyerand Stephanie Danforth Stoeffler too.

Think about what instruments you might use to measure activity in Narragansett Bay.

Hope to hear from you this afternoon!!

Ms. Tuttle

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Still moving north.

Greetings everyone,

Still in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Now off of the Washington Coast. We should arrive in Canada by tomorrow afternoon.
At first, the seas were quite rough and most people felt a bit queasy.
Now, the waves have settled a bit and we've all gotten our "sea legs."

We are busy reviewing technology on board and planning the upcoming dives.

Another part of my role here is to communicate with organizations on shore--schools, museums, aquariums, universities, etc.

We were also able to learn about Hercules, the ROV from the experts! 

Stay tuned for more updates. Please submit your questions and comments here. I look forward to hearing from you!

Friday, August 21, 2015


Greetings everyone!

We are currently off of the coast of California, heading north. We are in high seas so the captain has been forced to slow our forward movement a bit. We are making our way to Victoria, British Columbia, which is in Canada.

We should be there by Monday morning and will be working on instrument repair for an underwater observatory!

Below are some pictures of the journey so far.
This is the ROV, Hercules on board the ship in the harbor of San Francisco.Hercules is currently off the back deck, to allow for maintenance. However, all maintenance will wait till tomorrow due to rough seas.

San Francisco-Bay Bridge pre-dawn hours.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Ocean Expedition! 

I begin tomorrow--as I join the Exploration Vessel, the Nautilus and the Corps of Exploration as a Science Communication Fellow. 

Tune in, ask questions! I would love to hear from you! You can click on the link and watch live footage. Under the main video screen is a space to type questions. You can see if I'm on watch by scrolling down the page.There are pictures of the people that are working in the control room at the time. Please let me know who you are and what your question is! There is no need to wait, however. 
In fact, you can start now! 
Tomorrow they will be exploring shipwreck off the coast of California. I will be onboard on Thursday. 

Some good news about the return trip--some of the dates have changed. Luckily, I will be able to join you for the first day of school!! So, tune in at some point over the next couple of weeks and try to connect with me. You an also view the videos and images on the page. These are highlights and information previously recorded on the expedition.

Here's the link:

Stay tuned for more updates. And please spread the word to schoolmates!

See you soon!
Ms. Tuttle

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...