Thursday, September 24, 2015

Rubric for Projects

Ocean Projects are looking good!!!

We will have Friday and Monday to work on projects in school.

In addition, continue to work at home. This includes last minute research, revising and editing your work, and gluing down any final touches.

Final projects are due on Tuesday, September 29.

You can bring these to my room in the morning. I will have you place them with your class pile.

If you finish early, there are other options to keep you engaged and learning in class.

Below is the rubric again, in case you cannot find yours.

Keep up the good work!!
Ms. Tuttle

Ocean Project Rubric Due Date__Tues, Sept 29___

Your mission is to become an expert on your chosen topic.
You will:
  1. Research and take notes in school and at home
  2. Use the internet and books to find information
  3. Use any other resources (people, museums, etc.) that help
  4. Keep your notes together and add to your thinking
  5. Check in with me along the way
  6. Present your findings to the class. As you get closer to completion, begin to consider HOW you will present your information.

Meets the standard:
-Use and reference VALID sources. A reference page should be submitted with your project.
-Have an organized finished project that reflects important information on your topic. (We will develop individual criteria/ideas for different topics.)
-Final project shows evidence of deep understanding of topic.
-You can answer some questions on your topic.

Exceeds the standard: May include one or more of the following:
**Again, this will depend on your topic. See me for more info as you move forward:
-You integrate other fields and their impact on your research.
-Your topic integrates multiple viewpoints.
-You show understanding of the history of the subject.
-You link your work with the findings of other scientists.
-You take a stance on your topic and find propose ways for advancement.

-Deep connections are evident in the functioning of vehicle, earth component, or biological feature.

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