Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Classroom Updates

Here are a few images from last year's events.

Ocean Currents

First, we had oceanographer Tucker Sylvia come in to share his expertise on ocean currents.
He was impressed with the students' knowledge and was adept at adding information to their understanding of how the ocean impacts climate.

He discussed deep water currents and surface currents.

This should help as students complete their climate slides this week. Please ask them to show you what they've learned.
They have been working on the slides for a couple of weeks and are integrating what they know about weather and climate to "their" city. (The one for which they have been collecting weather data.)

Holiday Sing Along, last day, 2018 (How did that happen already?!?)

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Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...