Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Missing Work-Makeup Info


Absent students--makeup work.

This is for families of students that missed some days around Thanksgiving. I hope everyone
had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Below are a list of concepts/activities that we did in class, ranging from Thurs, 11/15 to Wed, 11/21.

Please review missed experiences and have your child complete and turn in any work by next
Friday, 11/30 in order to be able to build on ideas and move forward.
They can bring me work and ask any clarifying questions.
Thank you!!

Th, 11/15
"Seasons" reading in book and detailed note taking.
Take notes and hand in.

“Seasons” multimedia review on FOSSWEB
In person simulation of seasons and analysis of solar angle, impact of latitude as a variable of climate.

Complete yesterday’s reading and notes.
Begin to apply ideas of latitude and impact of climate by making initial slides to insert maps of location.
(Template on Classroom)
Complete the slides.

Monday, 11/19:
Analysis of “Seasons” online multi media
Write a paragraph about this, comparing at least 2 cities and one variable.

Distinction between Climate and Weather (Absent students will get handout. In class, we discussed
and revised notebook entries)
Update (and catch up on chunks of missing data) weather data
Do this at home.

Continued discussion of differential heating
Radiation foldable-using radiation online multimedia and identifying key characteristics and how
it plays out on earth. (Take notes on this, with models)

Completion of slides and foldable of Radiation.
Cross over of Social Studies and Science--applying ideas and technology of early Thanksgiving.

Social Studies (Tuttle):
Mon/Tues:Sharing of student projects on place.
Have ready for next week with rubric.

Wed: Thanksgiving myths

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Meeting with Families

What a joy it is to be able to sit down together and talk about joys and concerns around education and the students in our classes!

I truly enjoyed meeting with all that could attend the Parent Teacher Conferences.

Thank you for the continued communication as we work together to help your children become their best selves.

It is an honor to be on this team together as we work to help them develop confidence, wonder, creativity, compassion, and knowledge as they continue to interact with their world and see their ability to have an impact.

Have a wonderful day.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions, joys, or concerns!

Ms. Tuttle

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day!

Part of today was spent outside, studying out environment.

We made observations related to weather and climate, did some creative writing, dug into field guides, and experienced the joy of leaf rubbings!!

Students developed a deeper understanding of some of their local trees, and recorded their observations in a variety of formats.

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...