Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

Lost rubric? No problem.

Just in case your rubric got sucked into the black hole, here's another copy:
Project due on Wednesday, January 20

Engineering a hydroponics system for home use 
You will:
**Design a hydroponics system for your home
**Research types and choose one, or design some new or combined version to grow food at home
**Create a blueprint based on research to suit your chosen location
**Build a model or working prototype
**Explain how it works and how plants needs are met

Rubric for final design:
Blueprint of design, that reflects changes based on feedback from design team. Neat and easy to understand how it works.
Label items and their purpose on the blueprint.
You have built a model or prototype (working model) of the proposed design.
Explain why you chose the system that you did, and reasons that the other systems were not chosen.
(You can use the graphic organizer or integrate into your presentation.)
Be prepared to share your design with the class.

All of the above is done.
You have gone deeper into one or more of the following:
A.  Nutrients and plant choice
You have a detailed plan for nutrients, lighting, and system monitoring. You have a clear idea of what crops you will grow and why those will be grown together. This would require research into nutrient needs of various crops.

B.   Engineering/building:
You have created an “instruction manual” for the building of the model, which clearly explains steps and reasons for steps along the way.  You can draw, video, storyboard, or other to do this.

C.   Global Applications:
You research and share current and proposed technologies and their use in addressing hunger and drought issues in the world.

D.  Other: see me if you have other ideas that peak your interest: hydroponics in the world, business models, space use, history.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Protists: videos and info on Volvox and Blepharisma

Hi kids,

Check these out. Share what you learn with your families!
Have fun.
Ms. Tuttle

Sites to see and read about Blepharisma, Volvox, and “friends”

Volvox in action.


daughter colony leaving:

Read here:
More details on Volvox and its predator.

15 second video:

Read/view this:

Images with labeled organs:

Blepharisma and friends:

Monday, January 11, 2016

Hydroponics Hype

Everyone is excited about the idea of growing food at home!!

It seems that most people have researched types and chosen one, or created a new version.

Whether you are building a model or prototype, please be sure you have your draft of your blueprint for share out with design teams tomorrow. (Tuesday, January 12)

If you shared today, consider the feedback.  How can you integrate new ideas into your design? How can you answer some of the questions that still remain?

Begin the next version of your blueprint.

At this point, you should be gathering supplies and beginning to explore putting things together.

Don't forget:

Where will it be?

What size? (Be sure to have measurements on final blueprint.)

What are you growing? How are plants' needs met?

Final project due: 
Wednesday, January 20

Friday, January 8, 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Project Rubric sent home today and new site.

Hello families,

Today we reviewed the rubric for the home vegetable hydroponic project. We looked at samples of student work, answered questions, and continued our research on types on hydroponics systems.

Students are in full swing of looking at systems, "planning" one for home, and choosing an optimal location.

For those interested in more on aquaponics, here's a site from Ben:

(Thanks Ben!!)

Enjoy the engineering and discovery process.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hydroponics Sites

Here are a couple of sites for additional research on hydroponics types.

There is more info on the 4 types we went over in class, and on a couple of new ones.


Ms. Tuttle

Weather and Climate

Our studies of Weather and Climate are in full swing! We watched the forecast today and discussed being ready for early morning frigid tem...